Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Speak Asia Starts Survey Back Today 20-7-2011

Speak Asia Starts Survey Back Today 20-7-2011

Hello Dear SpeakAsians !!!

As promised by Speakasia, the surveys are started back today. However, as you know, our bank accounts continue to be inoperative as per directives from the authorities and we are unable to process any cash request or payouts. Therefore the Reward Points generated from Surveys will be credited to the Shopping ewallet which can be used for shopping. This arrangement is till such time the situation improves and cash requests are allowed to be processed.

We regret for any inconvenience caused to you.

Team SpeakAsia

1 comment:

  1. We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of $450,000 USD,
    for more details:
    Dr. Micheal Varghese
    Email: drmichealvarghes
    call number: +919500703584
    WhatsApp: +919500703584
